PT Laksana Tekhnik Makmur is a company enganged in otomotif car accessories and marine interior manufacturing which developed in status from Bengkel Laksana Tekhnik established in 1998 by H.Suwarno whom experienced in automotive industry for 20 years in the Astra Group.
In those years we were doing market research and made some experiment. So we can came up with product that can be accepted by the market. From years to years and the company getting more and more advanced, ther market demand increases, so in 2006 bengkel Laksana Tekhnik increased it status to become PT. Laksana Tekhnik Makmur.
PT. Laksana Tekhnik Makmur which has 300 employees which divided into three plant occupies an area 1000 m2 with 1000 m2 building area for metal part plant I, an area 4000 m2 with 3500 m2 building area for metal part plant II, and an area of 13000 m2 with 5000 m2 building area for plastic part plant III. Currently our company has produced more than 500 items for various types of vehicles.